Permissible Business Activities
- To acquire, purchase, setup and operate cement manufacturing plant and expand its plant into a capacity of larger size.
- To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire the undertaking, business and property or any part thereof any company or companies carrying on business as manufacturers of cement in Pakistan or elsewhere.
- To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any mines, mining rights and metaleiferous land in Pakistan or elsewhere and to explore, exercise, develop and to turn to account the same.
- To carry on in Pakistan and elsewhere the business of an electric light company in all its branches and in particular to construct lay down, establish, fix and carry out all necessary cables and wires, and to generate, accumulate, distribute and supply electricity and to light cities, towns, streets, theatres, markets, buildings and places both public and private.
- To enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits or joint venture, with any person, firm or Company carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or transaction which the Company is authorized to carry on or engage in.
- To promote and form whether as a wholly or partly owned subsidiary or as an associated company or otherwise and to take, hold and dispose of shares so as directly or indirectly to benefit the Company.
- To procure the registration or other recognition of the Company in any country, state or place, and to establish and regulate agencies for the purpose of the Company’s business.
- To draw, make, issue, accept and to endorse, discount and negotiate Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, and Delivery Orders, connected with the business of the Company.