
Scrutinizer Report for EOGM FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... TENDER FOR SALE OF SCRAP Sealed Quoataions are invited from interested..... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... Appointment of CEO Mr. Muhammad Taha Hamdani has been appointed as......... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... PRESS RELEASE: JCR-VIS A-/A-2 (single A Minus/A-Two) ratings assigned to Thatta Cement Company Limited.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... THATTA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED RECEIVES BEST CORPORATE REPORT AWARD 2016 Thatta Cement Company Limited receives.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... THATTA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED WON 14th ANNUAL ENVIRONMENT EXCELLENCE AWARD By the grace of Almighty ALLAH, TCCL won the 14th Annual Environment Excellence Award.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... PRESS RELEASE: JCR-VIS A-/A-2 (single A Minus/A-Two) ratings assigned to Thatta Cement Company Limited.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... THATTA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED ORGANIZED FREE MEDICAL CAMP THATTA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED WON 13th ANNUAL ENVIRONMENT EXCELLENCE AWARD By the grace of Almighty ALLAH, TCCL won the 13th Annual Environment Excellence Award.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... THATTA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED WON CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AWARD 2016 By the grace of Almighty ALLAH, TCCL won the Corporate Social Responsibility Award 2016.... LAUNCHING OF NEW CEMENT BAGS Thatta Cement Company Limited has launched.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FOR THE YEAR 2015 ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FINANCIAL RESULTS Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... BoD MEMBERS VISIT TCCL PLANT BoD Members Visit to TCCL Plant on .... INAUGURATION OF DATA CENTER Newly designed Data Centre at TCCL Factory .... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FOR THE YEAR 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FOR THE YEAR 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... CHANGE IN STRUCTURE Board of Directors in their meeting.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... CEMENT GRINDING & PACKING PLANT Thatta Cement Company (Private) Limited incorporated in Sri Lanka .... HALF YEARLY REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... COMMERCIAL OPERATION OF CAPTIVE POWER PLANT Thatta Power (Private) Limited (TPPL), ....... FIRST QUARTER REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... ANNUAL REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... NINE MONTHS REPORT ISSUED Thatta Cement Company Limited has announced.... WORK STARTED ON CAPTIVE POWER PLANT Work on site preparation has been started.... PERMISSION GRANTED BY SRI LANKA PORT AUTHORITY The Company had planned a cement grinding and packing plant.... THATTA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED RECEIVED CORPORATE PHILANTHROPY AWARD 2011 Thatta Cement Company Limited received Corporate Philanthropy Award 2011 from Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy.... NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FOR THE YEAR 2012 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FOR THE YEAR 2011


To transform the company into a modern and dynamic cement manufacturing unit fully equipped to play a meaningful role on sustainable basis in the economy of Pakistan


  • To provide quality products to customers at competitive prices; and
  • To generate sufficient profit to add to the shareholders value.

Investor Complaint Handling Cell

Company Secretary
111 842 882
OR click here to register online complaint

Company Profile

Thatta Cement Company Limited was incorporated in 1980 as a public limited company. It was a wholly owned subsidiary of the State Cement Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited. The manufacturing facility was commissioned in 1982. The plant is based on dry process technology, had a total installed capacity of 1,000 tons per day of clinker. The plant was supplied by M/s. Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan. In the year 2004, Government of Pakistan divested its shareholding from the company through Privatization Commission.

The Company obtained listing on the Karachi Stock Exchange Limited (Currently “Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited”) as a public limited company in the year 2008. Shares of Thatta Cement Company Limited are quoted on Pakistan Stock Exchange. The symbol of the Company assigned by Pakistan Stock Exchange ( is "THCCL".

Company Image


Director 1

Kamran Munir Ansari

Chief Executive Officer

Director 2

Muhammad Owais

Chief Financial Officer

Director 2

Muhammad Abid Khan

Company Secretary


Permissible Business Activities

  • To acquire, purchase, setup and operate cement manufacturing plant and expand its plant into a capacity of larger size.

  • To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire the undertaking, business and property or any part thereof any company or companies carrying on business as manufacturers of cement in Pakistan or elsewhere.

  • To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any mines, mining rights and metaleiferous land in Pakistan or elsewhere and to explore, exercise, develop and to turn to account the same.

  • To carry on in Pakistan and elsewhere the business of an electric light company in all its branches and in particular to construct lay down, establish, fix and carry out all necessary cables and wires, and to generate, accumulate, distribute and supply electricity and to light cities, towns, streets, theatres, markets, buildings and places both public and private.

  • To enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits or joint venture, with any person, firm or Company carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or transaction which the Company is authorized to carry on or engage in.

  • To promote and form whether as a wholly or partly owned subsidiary or as an associated company or otherwise and to take, hold and dispose of shares so as directly or indirectly to benefit the Company.

  • To procure the registration or other recognition of the Company in any country, state or place, and to establish and regulate agencies for the purpose of the Company’s business.

  • To draw, make, issue, accept and to endorse, discount and negotiate Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, and Delivery Orders, connected with the business of the Company.


Thatta Cement aims at being the leader and the most preferred brand of cement for its customers.

Our objective is to:


Being a responsible corporate citizen, Thatta Cement Company Limited (TCCL) strives to discharge its social responsibilities towards the society. TCCL promotes and facilitates welfare of the local communities in the location where TCCL operates.During the year, the TCCL has incurred significant amount on the education and health initiatives.

The main focus of TCCL is always on the Triple Bottom Line i.e. People, Planet and Profits and hence our Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability initiatives are a reflection of the same.

By the grace of Almighty ALLAH, TCCL won the Corporate Social Responsibility Award 2016 (Click to view)

Environment Protection

Implementing sustainability in its core business operations has always been the primary goal of Thatta Cement. By blending this goal in its strategic practices, the company has been able to reduce its footprint on environment. TCCL is committed to reduce greenhouse gases by adopting modern techniques and carbon-less generation which includes WHR from kiln gases and solar power.

Greenfield Power Generation – Waste Heat Recovery

Heat is produced/emitted as a result of any industrial process. If not used effectively, waste heat is released into the atmosphere. The Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) plant at TCCL uses residual heat without any fuel consumption, and reduces the temperature of the exhaust gas; thus adding a positive effect to the environment.

Board of Directors


Khawaja Muhammad Salman Younis



Kamran Munir Ansari

Chief Executive Officer

Director 1

Naheed Memon


Director 2

Noor Muhammad


Director 3

Saleem Zamindar


Director 4

Alamuddin Bullo


Director 5

Shaista Bano Gilani


our product

Ordinary Portland Cement

Thatta OPC is unique in its Low Alkali content feature with a total content of alkalies below 0.4 percent. Thatta OPC has an advantage that it can be used in concrete made with aggregates that contain a form of silica which reacts with alkalies if present in high proportion to cause an expansion which disrupts concrete. Another special feature of the Thatta OPC is that it has low contents of Tricalcium Aluminate. This helps to control the effect of spontaneous over-heating in large masses of concrete and resistance to sulfate attack.

Thatta OPC prevents chemical attack and corrosion on RCC. Its low heat of hydration makes it suitable for mass concreting. Its high early strength makes it ideal for use in load bearing structures. Thatta OPC has a higher Blaine value and fineness which facilitates denser concrete. Thatta OPC can be used in concrete mortars and grouts. Thatta OPC is a technically advanced and cost effective solution for construction above or below ground.